12-18 cm Promotional Plush Toy – A delightful stuffed toy featured in our special promotion, offering cuddly comfort at a fantastic price. Limited-time offer
Zoo Animals Plush Toys – Adorable stuffed animals representing the diverse wildlife found in the zoo, perfect for young adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Zoo Animals Plush Toys – Adorable stuffed animals representing the diverse wildlife found in the zoo, perfect for young adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Plush Toy for Infants – A soft and comforting stuffed animal designed for babies, providing a cuddly companion for comfort and play.
Plush Toy for Infants – A soft and comforting stuffed animal designed for babies, providing a cuddly companion for comfort and play.
12-18 cm Promotional Plush Toy – A delightful stuffed toy featured in our special promotion, offering cuddly comfort at a fantastic price. Limited-time offer
Zoo Animals Plush Toys – Adorable stuffed animals representing the diverse wildlife found in the zoo, perfect for young adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Zoo Animals Plush Toys – Adorable stuffed animals representing the diverse wildlife found in the zoo, perfect for young adventurers and wildlife enthusiasts.
Plush Toy for Infants – A soft and comforting stuffed animal designed for babies, providing a cuddly companion for comfort and play.
Plush Toy for Infants – A soft and comforting stuffed animal designed for babies, providing a cuddly companion for comfort and play.

Lítil Plush leikföng (12-18cm)

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Product Description


Framleiðsluheiti: Heildsölu klóvél plush lyklakippa uppstoppuð leikföng ódýr mjúk leikföng af mismunandi stærðum Heildverslun Holiday Dolls uppstoppuð dýr
Efni: Góð PP bómull
Litir: Margir litir
Stærð: Margar stærðir
Þyngd: Fjölþyngd
Virkni: Krakkagjafir/leikföng/koddi
Athugið: Þetta er Plush Toys Series okkar. Ef þú vilt læra meira geturðu smellt á meðmælin hér að neðan.


SF_express / DHL / FEDEX / TNT / EMS / UPS...

 Nafn Plús lyklakippa
Litur Margir litir
Leitarorð Verðlaunaklór
Stærð 10 cm
Merki Sérsniðin
Efni Plush+100% PP bómull fyllt
Notkun Krakkagjöf/koddi/leikföng
Vottun ASTM/EN71/CE

Mjúkt efni

Mjúkt og endingargott

Margskonar stíll

Þessi uppstoppuðu dýr eru kelin og mjúk, taka upp gæðaefni, eins og mjúkar fylltar pólýestertrefjar og plush, auka endingu, saumar og saumar eru sterkir og styrktir.

Gerð úr hágæða PP bómull, litlu fylltu dýrin okkar eru mjúk að snerta og björt á litinn, endingargóð og ekki auðvelt að skemma, þannig að þessi yndislegu.

Þú getur valið uppáhalds plusk leikfang hvers og eins, sem hefur krúttlegt útlit og er falleg gjöf fyrir afmæli, skírnir, páska, Valentínusardag o.fl.

Gagnvirkt og fræðandi leikfang

Plush dýr eru hönnuð með mismunandi dýramyndum, sem eru raunsæjar og lifandi; Breyttu leiktímanum í lærdómsstund, uppstoppuð dýr geta stuðlað að fínhreyfingum, virkjað litla barnið þitt í sköpunargáfu, þykjast og hugmyndaríkur leik, auk þess að hjálpa þeim að læra meira um safarídýr.


Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar um leikfangið okkar, hvort sem er fyrir eða eftir kaup, vinsamlegast ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur, við munum gera okkar besta til að veita góða þjónustu. Við leysum vandamál af einlægni. ÞÚ GLÆÐUR, VIÐ GLÆÐI!

Láttu uppstoppað dýr tala fyrir fyrirtæki þitt

KYNNINGAR Plush leikföng hafa mun lengri líftíma en flestar aðrar auglýsingar, það sem meira er, fólk er yfirleitt mjög ánægð með að fá þau og líður svo vel!

High-Quality Cuddly Companions

High Quality Materials for a soft cuddling experience

An ideal cuddly companion for every boy and girl

Professional design, exquisite workmanship

Frequently Asked Question

Custom Plush Toys

At CustomPlushMaker, we offer a delightful range of adorable and high-quality plush toys. Specializing in crafting premium plush toys, plush animals, and fabric baby toys, our core mission revolves around delivering excellence and innovation in every product.

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Looking For A Perfect Plush toy?

Leather Animal Paperweight

Custom Leather Animal

Custom Pet Plush Toys

Custom Pet Plush Toys

Claw Machine Plush Toy

Claw Machine Plush Toys

The Ultimate Guide to Your Custom Anime Plush Toy in 2024- From design to custom plush toys (1).webp__PID:45f9ff86-1955-4bcd-b5b8-5beb549e3809

Custom Anime Plush Toys


Custom Large Plush Toy


Custom Mascot Costume

Innovative Customization

Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Provide wrapping service

What Our Customers Say

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Jessica Stewart

I Custom the Plushie Aya Rainbow Bunny for my daughter's birthday and she absolutely loves it! The colors are so vibrant and the bunny is incredibly soft and cuddly as well.

John Robbert

I Custom the Plushie Aya Rainbow Bunny for my niece. The quality of the plush is excellent and it has held up well even after being washed. My daughter loves to play with it

image 349 (5).png__PID:ee9b5e30-9bc5-4abc-bd83-8dc1c64b1a29

Maria Garcia

The Plushie Aya Rainbow Bunny is a beautiful plush with bright colors and an adorable design. My granddaughter loves to play with it and I am so glad I Custom this purchase.

image 349 (6).png__PID:9b5e309b-c5aa-4c7d-838d-c1c64b1a29dd

David Martinez

This product is a wonderful product that exceeded my expectations. It is well-made with high-quality materials and attention to detail. The colors are also very cheerful.

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