Siirry tuotetietoihin
  • CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods: Cute child's animated character and plush toy prototype
  •  CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:Cute child's animated character and plush toy prototype
  • CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:two toys
  • CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:Cute child plush toy
  • CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:Cute child plush toy
  • CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:Cute child plush toy
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CustomPlushMaker tarjoaa mahdollisuuden luoda omia design-nukkepehmoja, mukaan lukien räätälöityjä käsintehtyjä animepehmo-nukkeja ja -tarvikkeita, jotka sopivat molemmille sukupuolille, sekä valmiita valmiita tuotteita

Normaalihinta $5.99 USD
Normaalihinta $6.59 USD Myyntihinta $5.99 USD
Alennusmyynti Loppuunmyyty
Toimituskulut lasketaan kassalla.
CustomPlushMaker tarjoaa mahdollisuuden luoda omia designnukkepehmoja, mukaan lukien räätälöityjä käsintehtyjä animepehmo-nukkeja ja tarvikkeita, jotka sopivat sekä sukupuolille että valmiille valmiille tuotteille
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CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:our website
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:raw material of plush toy
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:longtime term companionship
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:long term cpmpanionship
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:transtion
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:various toys
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:kids with toys
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:customize your plush toy
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:turn idea to real
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:turn idea to real
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:our company
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:our website
Anna pehmustetun eläimen puhua yrityksesi puolesta
Mainospehmolelujen käyttöikä on paljon pidempi kuin useimmilla muilla mainonnan muodoilla; Lisäksi ihmiset ovat yleensä todella iloisia vastaanottaessaan ne ja voivat hyvin!
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:why you choose us
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:direct factory and trade assurance
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:about us
CustomPlushMaker offers the opportunity to create your own custom designer doll plushie, including custom handmade anime plush dolls and accessories, suitable for both genders, and ready-made finished goods:send email to us

1. Kuinka kauan voin vastaanottaa maksun jälkeen?
Pienten erätilausten lähettäminen maksun jälkeen kestää noin 3–5 päivää. Voit viitata yllä olevaan taulukkoon, ja jos sinulla on kysyttävää, ota meihin epäröimättä yhteyttä.

2. Miksi tuet pieniä tilauksia?
Pienet erätilaukset voivat tehdä asiakkaillemme ilman varastointiriskiä; he voivat ostaa tarvitsemansa tuotteet milloin tahansa huolehtimatta siitä, että tavaroita ei voida myydä.

3. Kuinka kauan voit lähettää suuria määriä tilauksia?
Suurista tilauksista annamme asiakkaille todisteet ja tarjoukset. Tietojen vahvistamisen jälkeen ilmoitamme ajan asiakkaalle tilausmäärän mukaan. Normaalisti se voidaan valmistaa 15 päivän kuluessa.

4. Mikä on toimitustapasi?
Jotta saat tavarat nopeasti, emme valitse halvempaa toimitustapaa ilman logistiikkatietoja. Valitsemme DHL:n, TNT:n, FeDexin, UPS:n ja SF Expressin. Voimme myös valita toisen toimitustavan asiakkaan pyynnöstä.

5. Kuinka saan näytteen?
Tuemme ilmaisia ​​näytteitä; sinun tarvitsee maksaa vain toimitusmaksu. Saat ne noin 3-5 päivässä.

6. Millaista myynnin jälkeistä palvelua voimme saada?
Annamme erilaisia ​​asiakaspalvelutehtäviä eri asiakkaille. Ja asiakaspalvelu suosittelee erilaisia ​​kuumamyyntituotteita asiakkaan tilanteen ja toiveiden mukaan, jotta asiakkaan bisneksestä tulee kuuma.