Children's drawings of giraffes made into plush toys
Children's drawings of little rabbits made into plush toys
Little girl's children's painting made into plush toys
Princess children's drawings made into plush toys
Spider children's drawings made into plush toys
Children's drawings of giraffes made into plush toys
Children's drawings of little rabbits made into plush toys
Little girl's children's painting made into plush toys
Princess children's drawings made into plush toys
Spider children's drawings made into plush toys

Verwandeln Sie Kinderzeichnungen und Fotos in personalisierte, individuelle Stofftier-Plüschtiere

Gestalten Sie Ihre eigenen Plüschtiere basierend auf Kinderzeichnungen, Kunstwerken, Bildern oder personalisierten Designs, indem Sie Stoffbären, Haustiere, Anime-Charaktere, Pferde und andere Tiere in kuschelige Begleiter verwandeln. Ob maßgeschneiderte Designs oder einzigartige Charaktere wie Hasen, wir bringen Ihre Vision zum Leben, indem wir individuelle Plüschtiere kreieren, die so einzigartig sind wie die Vorstellungskraft Ihres Kindes.


Please discuss the details with our team ( first before placing your order through

Send us your designPlush Fabric Color Shades


The more you buy, the more you save!

How it works

Email your child's drawing to We will review the drawing and confirm it with you. Once approved, you can proceed with your order.

When placing your order, there's no need to attach the drawing as we'll already have it on file.

After receiving your order, we will match the color swatches with the drawing and send them to you for approval.

Once you confirm the color details, production will begin. This process usually takes 15-20 business days.

We ship via {FedEx Air}, which takes 3-5 business days. You can expect to receive your custom plush within 20-25 business days.

Once you placed the order, you will get the toys in the next 20-25 business days in your hand.

If you're ordering for a special occasion, please mention the date and include a gift message in the cart note.

Customer can find the color shades in this URL (Plush Fabric Color Shades)

Please get approval from our team before placing your order through
If you place an order without prior approval, you are responsible for any issues that may arise.

Check out our excellent kids' drawing plush toys!

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Product Description

MaterialShort Fur, Cotton
Sizes6 Inch, 12 Inch, 18 Inch, 22 Inch
Production Time15-20 Business Days

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